As the largest land mammal in the UK, a deer is often a sight of amazement in gardens. However, they can also be a cause for concern, whether it be on the roads, damaging vegetation, or spreading Lyme disease, so it’s not uncommon for these to be seen as a nuisance. They are also thought to contribute to the spread of bovine tuberculosis and can carry rabies.

There are two main categories of deer, Cervinae (such as muntjac, elk, and fallow deer) and the Capreolinae (such as reindeer, roe deer and moose). There are six species that like in the UK; typically the deer you spot in gardens or along roadsides will be a Muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi), introduced to the UK from China in the 1900s. They stand at around half a metre high, are russet-coloured, and have tusks which help easily identify them. They can also be vocal, using a barking sound to call mates. Males will have two darker brown or black stripes down their head. The other species found in the UK include the roe, fallow, red and sika deer. The roe deer’s distinguishable feature is its white rump. Young roe deer have a white-spotted coat.

Because they have no natural predator, it’s believed that the number of deer in the UK is growing and is at a 1000-year high. Their main food source is vegetation and they will select easily digestible plant matter such as shoots, grasses and shrubs. Finding whole rose heads bitten off a bush is a sign you’ve had a deer visiting. The damage caused to flora and fauna by overgrazing has led to some of the deer population being culled. With their population growth and growing urbanisation, deer are being witnessed more and more in built-up areas.


If deer are visiting your garden, it’s worth checking your perimeter to see where they’re gaining access. Block up or mend any holes that are large enough for them to squeeze through, or install a fence. Growing trees, a food source for deer, can be protected by installing protective mesh around them. Plants can be protected by a similar netting.


The Big Cheese range includes a Mega-Sonic Deer & Wildlife Deterrent and Repeller Ribbon; two humane forms of deer control that are suitable for use around children and pets, that won’t cause harm.

Install the battery-powered Mega-Sonic deterrent along perimeters or other areas to protect. The ultrasonic sound waves will drive deer to other areas without harm.

The Repeller Ribbon can be cut into strips and hung throughout areas where deer have been a nuisance. The sound of ribbons’ movement in wind, and the flashing iridescent light as the strips catch sunlight, will deter them from the garden.

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