The Big Cheese Fox & Wildlife Repellent - 2x50g Sachets - Protects Gardens
Product Code: STV416
2 x 50g fox, rabbit and bird repellent sachets: empty sachets into water to activate, then distribute over garden areas to deter unwanted wildlife.
Fox and wildlife deterrent sachets are child and pet safe once treated areas have dried.
Humanely repels nuisance garden pests such as foxes, rabbits and birds from lawns, flowerbeds, patios and outdoor, garden areas - treats up to 50m2.
Fox and wildlife repellent sachets can be used for general coverage or as a spot treatment: apply under dry conditions and ensure spray deposit dries on the crop, plant or area to be protected.
Contains aluminium ammonium sulphate; use pesticides safely and always read the label.
Fox and Wildlife Repellent reduces damage in the garden and patio areas caused by birds, rabbits and hares and by deterring fouling by foxes. It works by confusing the animal’s sense of taste and smell. For optimum effectiveness application should be made as soon as the problem is observed. The product is not rainfast and reapplication may be necessary for extended activity.