DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Remove base section on the Honeypot Wasp Trap or unscrew the top on the Ready-Baited Wasp Trap. Mix one sachet with either 50-100ml (Honeypot Wasp Trap) or 200ml (Ready-Baited Wasp Trap) of water and add to trap. Re-assemble trap and then hang, ideally in a sunlit area of the garden sheltered from direct wind. Ensure it is placed away from children’s play areas and other areas where people are likely to gather. Avoid spillage of wasp lure, clean up immediately if spillage occurs. Wasp lure requires an activation period of pprox.. 24 hours. Top up the Wasp Trap with water from time to time if required. Clean well before re-baiting, empty contents into plastic bags and dispose of in household refuse.